Athens, 13 February 2023 - "MYTILINEOS S.A." ("MYTILINEOS"), pursuant to the provisions of articles 9, 10, 11, 14 and 21 of Law 3556/2007, as currently in force, and based on the relevant information received on 13.02.2023 by Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited ("FFH"), announces that on 10.02.2023, the companies NORTHBRIDGE GENERAL INSURANCE CORPORATION, ODYSSEY REINSURANCE COMPANY and ZENITH INSURANCE COMPANY (CANADA) (hereinafter jointly referred to as the "Bondholders"), subscribed for the total bonds issued by MYTILINEOS under an exchangeable bond loan dated 07.02.2023, bonds which incorporate the right of the Bondholders to acquire, at any time up to the maturity of the bond loan (i.e. until 10.02.2025), at their discretion, a total of 2,500,000 common registered voting shares of MYTILINEOS, therefore they made an indirect, in the sense of article 11 par. 1 of Law 3556/2007, acquisition of the aforementioned shares of MYTILINEOS, which represent 1.75% of its total voting rights. These shares, added to MYTILINEOS shares already held on the above date by other legal entities belonging to the FFH group (hereinafter referred to as the “Other Shareholders”), i.e. 6,688,047 common registered voting shares of MYTILINEOS, which represent 4.68% of its total voting rights, lead to a cumulative participation percentage of 6.43% (i.e. 9,188,047 shares) which results in FFH at parent level exceeding on 10.02.2023 the 5% limit, pursuant to article 9 par. 1 of Law 3556/2007.
The Other Shareholders are: (a) Northbridge General Insurance Corporation, (b) Zenith Insurance Company (Canada), (c) Allied World Specialty Insurance Company, (d) Allied World Insurance Company, (e) Allied World Assurance Company (Europe) dac, (f) HWIC Value Opportunities Fund, (g) Eurolife FFH General Insurance Single Member SA and (h) Eurolife FFH Life Insurance Single Member SA.
The ultimate parent company of the Bondholders and of the Other Shareholders, i.e. FFH, controls through a chain of controlled entities, the Bondholders and the Other Shareholders, and therefore, according to article 10 (e) of Law 3556/2007, indirectly owns the said shares. None of the FFH controlled entities owns independently more than 5% of MYTILINEOS’ voting rights.
Finally, according to the aforementioned notification, FFH is not a controlled entity, within the meaning of article 3 par. 1 (c) of Law 3556/2007, by any natural person or legal entity.