23 MAY 2023

Protergia - The major winner of the Energy Mastering Awards 2023

Protergia, the major winner of the 2023 Energy Mastering Awards, has won 12 awards this year. 6 Gold, 3 Silver, 2 Bronze and the “Energy Supplier of the Year” award!

Protergia – an integral part of MYTILINEOS, the largest private energy company in Greece – offers products and services that are designed with a focus on consumer’s needs. A pioneer company in everything it designs and offers to the energy industry, Protergia strives to always be ahead of developments, in order to create a holistic experience for the consumer and all its needs, driven by sustainable development and innovation.

Winning of the title “Energy Supplier of the Year”, is complimenting our efforts the benefits and is encouraging us for new goals that will contribute to sustainable development and energy transition.

In addition, Protergia is actively and dynamically involved in the objectives set by MYTILINEOS as early as 2021:

  • Reduce the company’s emissions by 30% by 2030 and to zero emissions by 2050.
  • Reduce the carbon footprint and maximize efficiency in clean energy production and storage infrastructure, which are key components in achieving our goal.

Specifically, Protergia:

  • Aims to adopt green and energy-efficient transport modes, with integrated electrification solutions.
  • Offers integrated solutions of products and services, seeking a holistic service to the public.
  • Is transformed into an integrated energy provider that places the consumer at the heart of the green energy transition.
  • Creates the conditions and incentives for the consumer to produce energy by itself (Prosumer).
  • Achieves significant savings in electricity costs due to the flexibility that energy production and storage systems provide.
  • Aims to cultivate green consciousness and adopt green practices by households and businesses and integrates 100% Green Energy free of charge in a range of products.
  • Ηelps to make our daily lives more sustainable at a critical time for humanity. Our vision for smarter cities, and at the same time friendly, green and sustainable, is more possible than ever.
  • Creates long-term and sustainable value for all Social Partners, contributing to the Global Sustainable Development Goals and corresponding national priorities.


The sophisticated way that Protergia offers integrated solutions with products and services paves a new way forward with endless possibilities for thousands of households and businesses. Protergia shows the way to the future of energy by changing the way we think, live and use energy, in which the consumer is at the center and sustainability is the overriding priority.


Details of the awards:


Title of candidature


Smart Building Technologies

Protergia Vehicle to Home (V2H) services


Energy Efficient & Saving Products, Technologies, and Services

Protergia’s Demand Response Services


Energy Storage Innovation

Protergia Sun Save - with the power of the sun


Energy Conservation

QUORA by MYTILINEOS: Artificial Intelligence Platform for the “Green Energy Transition”


Energy Engagement

QUORA by MYTILINEOS: Artificial Intelligence Platform for the “Green Energy Transition”


Energy Innovation

QUORA by MYTILINEOS: Artificial Intelligence Platform for the “Green Energy Transition”


Energy Efficiency in Mobility

Protergia Public Charging Network


Energy Engagement

Protergia's AI tools for User's Comfort


Energy Transition Leadership

QUORA by MYTILINEOS: Artificial Intelligence Platform for the “Green Energy Transition”


Energy Revolution - Efforts to mitigating climate change

EV Fleet Management


Energy Efficiency Program

Protergia MVP product family