Τhe largest and most efficient gas turbine in Greece and one of the most modern in Europe has arrived and is installed at the Agios Nikolaos Energy Center, in Viotia, contributing in Greece’s energy transition as a significant enabler of growth.
The reception and installment of the largest and most efficient gas turbine by General Electric (GE) is an important milestone - not only for MYTILINEOS - but also for the country.
General Electric's (GE)9HA.02 gas turbine, the first of "H" class installed in Greece, was recently installed in the new under-construction power plant and when put into service will deliver 826MW to the grid, with 63% thermal efficiency, contributing to Greece’s energy safety.
It regards the main equipment of the new modern electrical energy station which is being built according to the timetable and is expected to be operational in early 2022. With the addition of the new station, MYTILINEOS' total electricity generation will exceed 2,000 MW, not including production from Renewable Energy Sources.
The current investment sets the upgraded power generation capacity of MYTILINEOS on a new solid track, while it is noteworthy that the €300 million investment, which will be concluded by the end of the year enables the new natural gas fired combined cycle (Combined Cycle Gas Turbine – CCGT) power station, as the largest, most efficient and modern plant in Greece and one of the largest power stations in Europe.
In that way, MYTILINEOS will be soon the first private company to contribute to the national energy system with a state-of-the-art unit using transitional fuel, which leads to minimization of emissions and their effects. Specifically, the new unit will produce 250 kg of CO2 per produced MWh in contrast to the lignite units that produce from 1.2 to 1.5 tons of CO2 per MWh, meaning 6 times more than the new unit.
Kostas Skrekas, Minister of the Environment and Energy, commented that “the new plant will contribute in achieving the targets of a faster lignite phase-out in Europe that we as Government have set to be accomplished in order to ensure the stability of the grid and reach another ambitious target, that of having over 60% contribution of Renewable Energy Sources in electricity generation by 2030”.
Being true to our commitments, we have integrated sustainable development in the company’s DNA in our decision making process as well as in our overall operation.
In 2021 ΜΥΤΙLINEOS became the first Greek company to set clear targets and is committed to minimize its carbon footprint setting the path towards a green and environmental friendly industry, according to the ESG performance indicators for the Environment, Society and Governance.
For tomorrow’s industry and energy.