The main axis of Metlens’ Environmental Policy is the application of Best Available Techniques in the production process regarding the control, continuous reduction and proper management of solid and liquid waste with recovery, reuse and recycling techniques, where feasible.
MYTILINEOS fully complies and operates in accordance with the licensing acts of the Region of Central Greece, the Regional Unit of Boeotia and the Environmental Terms Approval Decision regarding the management of specific types of waste, which is deposited in a special Bauxite Residues Disposal Site, which is calculated in the context of measuring the Company’s environmental footprint.
Also, the Company seeks the continuous improvement of certified Environmental Management systems ISO14001 and the implementation of ISO 14040 and 14044 guidelines as necessary for the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) study as a factor that can effectively contribute to enhancing its competitiveness. Also, within 2023, the “Aluminium of Greece” plant proceeded with the preparation for the issuance Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for hydrated and anhydrous alumina, as well as aluminium.
The Metallurgy Sector of MYTILINEOS is responsible for 78% of the Company’s total waste, but the Company seeks the proper management of all solid and liquid waste.
A key environmental risk for the Company is the gradual reduction of available bauxite residue disposal sites, which may have social and economic negative effects on the Company.
Regarding the Company’s secondary aluminium business, a non-functional supply chain of aluminium for recycling (scrap aluminium), including the search, collection, transport and disposal stages, is a risk, as they play a key role and are a prerequisite for achieving the Corporate target of increasing secondary aluminium production and contributing to the targets for enhancing the circularity of the materials set in the as part of the European Green Deal.