ESG Scorecard

2021 2022 2023


Total CO2 emissions (Scope 1&2- teq) / m. € of net profit

25,086 8,418 6,879

Total NOx - SOx emissions (t) / m.€ of net profit

28.3 10.1 6.7

Total water withdrawal (ML) / m.€ of net profit

1,044 356 245

Total fresh water consumption (ML) / m.€ of net profit

32.7 11.4 7.4

Total energy consumption (Tj) / m. € of net profit

355.1 122.7 93.4

Total waste generated (t) / m. € of net profit

5,766 2,446 1,643

Total recorded accidents (direct & indirect employees) / m. € of net profit

0.23 0.09 0.07


Total CO2 emissions (scope 1 & 2 - t CO2e)

4,063,959 3,922,790 4,285,345

Sector of Metals: CO2 emissions (scope 1 & 2 - t CO2e)

2,619,918 2,583,451 2,714,913

Aluminium production: specific CO2 emissions
(t CO2e scope 1 & 2 / t of aluminium produced)1

11.2 10.9 11.3

Sector of Energy: specific CO2 emissions
(kg CO2e scope 1 & 2 / MWh electricity produced)

322 317 297

Revenues generated from products & services with environmental and social benefits
(% of total revenues)2

- 13% 14%

Total CO2 emissions avoided (t CO2 e)3

250,113 235,591 701,374

Electricity production from RES ( % of total electricity production)

9.7% 9.8% 17.4%

Total energy consumption (MWh) / Total energy produced (TJ)

575 591 530

Total NOx & SOx emissions (t)

4,577 4,687 4,168

Solid waste reused or recycled (% of total solid waste generated)

24.9% 36.9% 30.2%

Waste to landfill (% of total non-hazardous solid waste generated)

2.0% 1.3% 3.4%

Fresh water consumption (ML)4

5,301 5,309 4,638

Fresh water withdrawal (L) / MWh of electricity produced

896 919 721

Rate of restoration of exploitable area during the mining process

84.3% 84.9% 86.9%


Total employment (direct & indirect employees)

4,823 5,442 6,583

Part - Time employees (direct employees)

0.6% 0.7% 1.6%

Voluntary employee turnover rate % 5

6.1% 8.8% 7.0%

Number of fatalities (direct & indirect employees)

1 0 1

Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) per 200.000 hours worked of direct employees6

0.85 0.33 0.40

Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) per 200.000 hours worked of indirect employees6

0.29 0.48 0.38

Women in workforce (%)

18.7% 20.1% 25.6%

Women in responsible positions (%)7

21.1% 23.5% 24.6%

Average number of training days per employee (days / year)

1.8 1.6 1.9

Number of total beneficiaries from company's social programs/initiatives

52,899 89,605 162,470

Number of suppliers trained on UN Global Compact Principles

45 41 15

Human Capital ROI8

4.20 3.97 3.80

SROI index of the Company's social programs9

- 4.60:1 5.25:1


UK Corporate Governance Code compliance (%)

75.0 % 80.0 % 82.5%

Board members

11 11 12

Board independence

64% 64% 58%

Board diversity (female Board Members)

27% 27% 25%

Audit Committee independence

100% 100% 100%

Remuneration Committee independence

100% 100% 100%

Sustainability Committee

Yes Yes Yes

Variable Executive Pay Linked to Sustainability

Yes Yes Yes

Corruption & Bribery incidents

0 0 0

Total monetary losses from Code of Conduct violations (€)

0 0 0

Total monetary losses of non-compliance with environmental, social, labour and financial laws/regulations (€)

0 0 0
  • 1 For the calculation of the ratio, the CO2 emissions (scope 1&2) taken into account are those of of bauxite mining activities, primary and secondary aluminium production.
  • 2 It includes income derived from activities that meet the eligibility criteria for inclusion in the list of activities as defined by the EU Taxonomy. The EU Taxonomy is a classification system that creates a list of environmentally sustainable economic activities in order to increase sustainable investment and the implementation of the European Green Deal.
  • 3 It refers to the CO2 emissions avoided from two of the Company's main activities. They are calculated from the emissions that would have resulted from the absence of Metlen' renewable energy production and from the production of secondary aluminium, the absence of which would have led to its replacement by primary aluminium. The calculation up to 2022 concerned only the CO2 emissions avoided by the Energy sector, the calculations for 2023 have included the CO2 emissions avoided by the production of secondary aluminium in substitution of primary aluminium
  • 4 The difference between the total amount of fresh water withdrawn and the total amount of fresh water discharged. Fresh water is defined as water with a total dissolved solids concentration equal to or less than 1 000 mg/l. The methodology for calculating this indicator is in accordance with GRI 303-5 (2018)
  • 5 Number of voluntary departures as a percentage of the average number of direct employees of the Company in the specific year. Cases of termination of fixed-term contracts are not considered voluntary departures.
  • 6 The calculation method used for measuring accidents according to the standard GRI 403-9 (2018). Includes all accidents that resulted in death, days off work, limited work or transfer to another job, medical care other than first aid or loss of consiousness or significant injury or ill death diagnosed by a physician or other authorized health professional. Includes all accidents and incidents thta occured during the transportation of the employee from the place of his private activity (e.g. residence) and a workplace and only when this transportation has been organized by the Company.
  • 7 Percentage on the Company's executive staff.
  • 8 The index has been calculated based on the methodology of S&P Global's Corporate Sustainability Assessment. In more detail: Human Capital ROI = (Total revenue - (Total operating expenses - Total expenses related to direct employees)) / Total expenses related to direct employees.
  • 9 It calculates the socio-economic generated value of a programme or action. It tells the story of the "Theory of change" that the activity has brought to everyone involved, through the measurement of social, environmental and economic outcomes and uses monetary values to evaluate them.
2021 2022 2023


Total CO2 emissions (Scope 1&2- teq) / m. € of net profit

25,086 8,418 6,879

Total NOx - SOx emissions (t) / m.€ of net profit

28.3 10.1 6.7

Total water withdrawal (ML) / m.€ of net profit

1,044 356 245

Total fresh water consumption (ML) / m.€ of net profit

32.7 11.4 7.4

Total energy consumption (Tj) / m. € of net profit

355.1 122.7 93.4

Total waste generated (t) / m. € of net profit

5,766 2,446 1,643

Total recorded accidents (direct & indirect employees) / m. € of net profit

0.23 0.09 0.07
2021 2022 2023


Total CO2 emissions (scope 1 & 2 - t CO2e)

4,063,959 3,922,790 4,285,345

Sector of Metals: CO2 emissions (scope 1 & 2 - t CO2e)

2,619,918 2,583,451 2,714,913

Aluminium production: specific CO2 emissions
(t CO2e scope 1 & 2 / t of aluminium produced)1

11.2 10.9 11.3

Sector of Energy: specific CO2 emissions
(kg CO2e scope 1 & 2 / MWh electricity produced)

322 317 297

Revenues generated from products & services with environmental and social benefits
(% of total revenues)2

- 13% 14%

Total CO2 emissions avoided (t CO2 e)3

250,113 235,591 701,374

Electricity production from RES ( % of total electricity production)

9.7% 9.8% 17.4%

Total energy consumption (MWh) / Total energy produced (TJ)

575 591 530

Total NOx & SOx emissions (t)

4,577 4,687 4,168

Solid waste reused or recycled (% of total solid waste generated)

24.9% 36.9% 30.2%

Waste to landfill (% of total non-hazardous solid waste generated)

2.0% 1.3% 3.4%

Fresh water consumption (ML)4

5,301 5,309 4,638

Fresh water withdrawal (L) / MWh of electricity produced

896 919 721

Rate of restoration of exploitable area during the mining process

84.3% 84.9% 86.9%
  • 1 For the calculation of the ratio, the CO2 emissions (scope 1&2) taken into account are those of of bauxite mining activities, primary and secondary aluminium production.
  • 2 It includes income derived from activities that meet the eligibility criteria for inclusion in the list of activities as defined by the EU Taxonomy. The EU Taxonomy is a classification system that creates a list of environmentally sustainable economic activities in order to increase sustainable investment and the implementation of the European Green Deal.
  • 3 It refers to the CO2 emissions avoided from two of the Company's main activities. They are calculated from the emissions that would have resulted from the absence of Metlen' renewable energy production and from the production of secondary aluminium, the absence of which would have led to its replacement by primary aluminium. The calculation up to 2022 concerned only the CO2 emissions avoided by the Energy sector, the calculations for 2023 have included the CO2 emissions avoided by the production of secondary aluminium in substitution of primary aluminium
  • 4 The difference between the total amount of fresh water withdrawn and the total amount of fresh water discharged. Fresh water is defined as water with a total dissolved solids concentration equal to or less than 1 000 mg/l. The methodology for calculating this indicator is in accordance with GRI 303-5 (2018)
2021 2022 2023


Total employment (direct & indirect employees)

4,823 5,442 6,583

Part - Time employees (direct employees)

0.6% 0.7% 1.6%

Voluntary employee turnover rate % 5

6.1% 8.8% 7.0%

Number of fatalities (direct & indirect employees)

1 0 1

Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) per 200.000 hours worked of direct employees6

0.85 0.33 0.40

Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) per 200.000 hours worked of indirect employees6

0.29 0.48 0.38

Women in workforce (%)

18.7% 20.1% 25.6%

Women in responsible positions (%)7

21.1% 23.5% 24.6%

Average number of training days per employee (days / year)

1.8 1.6 1.9

Number of total beneficiaries from company's social programs/initiatives

52,899 89,605 162,470

Number of suppliers trained on UN Global Compact Principles

45 41 15

Human Capital ROI8

4.20 3.97 3.80

SROI index of the Company's social programs9

- 4.60:1 5.25:1
  • 5 Number of voluntary departures as a percentage of the average number of direct employees of the Company in the specific year. Cases of termination of fixed-term contracts are not considered voluntary departures.
  • 6 The calculation method used for measuring accidents according to the standard GRI 403-9 (2018). Includes all accidents that resulted in death, days off work, limited work or transfer to another job, medical care other than first aid or loss of consiousness or significant injury or ill death diagnosed by a physician or other authorized health professional. Includes all accidents and incidents thta occured during the transportation of the employee from the place of his private activity (e.g. residence) and a workplace and only when this transportation has been organized by the Company.
  • 7 Percentage on the Company's executive staff.
  • 8 The index has been calculated based on the methodology of S&P Global's Corporate Sustainability Assessment. In more detail: Human Capital ROI = (Total revenue - (Total operating expenses - Total expenses related to direct employees)) / Total expenses related to direct employees.
  • 9 It calculates the socio-economic generated value of a programme or action. It tells the story of the "Theory of change" that the activity has brought to everyone involved, through the measurement of social, environmental and economic outcomes and uses monetary values to evaluate them.
2021 2022 2023


UK Corporate Governance Code compliance (%)

75.0 % 80.0 % 82.5%

Board members

11 11 12

Board independence

64% 64% 58%

Board diversity (female Board Members)

27% 27% 25%

Audit Committee independence

100% 100% 100%

Remuneration Committee independence

100% 100% 100%

Sustainability Committee

Yes Yes Yes

Variable Executive Pay Linked to Sustainability

Yes Yes Yes

Corruption & Bribery incidents

0 0 0

Total monetary losses from Code of Conduct violations (€)

0 0 0

Total monetary losses of non-compliance with environmental, social, labour and financial laws/regulations (€)

0 0 0