Sustainability of local communities

Policies and commitments

The consistent implementation of Metlen’ social dialogue and social policy through actions and initiatives that enhance the harmonious coexistence with its local communities and wider society, as well as the protection of the rights of citizens of the local communities adjacent to the Company's industrial units, in accordance with the main pillars of the Company’s Human Rights Policy and the Corporate Social Responsibility Policy. The Company's Corporate Social Responsibility policy is aligned with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are a universal set of goals, targets, and indicators that UN member states use to frame their agendas and policies until 2030 and are used as a common basis for dialogue and cooperation with its Stakeholder groups.

Effects and Main Risks


Actual positive impacts

Metlen contributes to the creation of a sustainable future for its local communities through social dialogue processes with its Stakeholder groups at local level. The exchange of views through the institution of consultation is a useful tool for adopting a participatory approach regarding the identification and implementation of the Company's social initiatives that are linked to direct positive impacts, such as:

  • maintaining the Company’s high local employment rates,
  • supporting domestic suppliers,
  • implementing social programs and initiatives to alleviate poverty, reinforce the social inclusion of vulnerable social groups, educate and develop the younger generation, reinforce local infrastructure, and preserve cultural and natural heritage; and
  • developing innovative services (smart cities).

Main Risks

The Company's inability to identify and manage the frequently changing social, economic, and cultural characteristics of its local communities in a timely manner may jeopardize the Company's position as an integral member of these communities with shared interests. This may have an impact on the maintenance of the Company's "social license" to operate, placing potential restrictions on its future growth.

Management/Coping Tactics

  • The General Divisions of each Metlen Business Division are responsible for managing relationships with the local communities they operate.
  • In each Metlen Business Division, a Sustainability/ESG team has been appointed and operates.
  • The Company communicates with its local communities in a clear and transparent manner through its "open door" policy.
  • The initiatives undertaken by the Company are linked to the needs of each community and its wider region and are shaped either through open dialogue with local social partners or through conducting surveys to identify substantive issues and opinion surveys.


  • 367,217 beneficiaries in the period 2020-2023 through the systematic implementation of social programs.
  • €3.281.510 total expenditure on social programs.
  • 24 corporate social programs and initiatives with 162,470 beneficiaries.
  • 83% percentage of employees from local communities (direct and indirect workers).
  • €672,000 the total investment in supporting infrastructure and service projects in municipalities where new RES projects operate or will be developed.
  • SROI 4.40:1 for the program "Support the Operation of Ithaca's Mobile Washing Machine Unit"
  • SROI 6.12:1 for the program "Upgrading of Emergency Departments in Hospitals and Pediatric Clinics of the country"