The adoption of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by all UN member states in 2015 is an important milestone for the international community. The SDGs are a global Roadmap that requires cooperation not only from the governments of developed and developing countries, but also from business, academia, NGOs and civil society organizations. Achieving them requires initiative and cooperation to ensure that no one is left behind and that the SDGs are a catalyst for tackling all forms of inequality. For Greece, as well as for all countries where Metlen operates, the SDGs offer a significant opportunity to recover from successive crises and transition to a new sustainable growth model, while focusing on all three key sectors of the global ecosystem: environment, society and economy.
Since 2016, Metlen, applying the UN SDG Compass Tool, has identified their relevance to its business activity and identified ways to contribute to their achievement, to the extent that it deserves. Since then, it has been steadily contributing to the achievement of 40 sub-targets, focusing on 6 main directions presented below:
Metlen ' activity is directly linked to Global Goals 7 (affordable and clean energy) and 13 (climate action). The company continues its dynamic penetration in an extensive range of projects that contribute substantially to the implementation of the energy transition, internationally, while implementing specific initiatives to reduce its total CO2e emissions (Scope 1 & 2) in the context of achieving its ambitious climate Goals and Commitments.
As one of the leading industrial and energy companies, Metlen invests in the circular economy, the development of innovative waste recovery methods, the application of "clean" industrial methods, but also in blockchain and data marketplace technologies through its participation in 26 European research programs. At the same time, it steadily enhances employability in the domestic industrial sector and creates the conditions for a responsible supply chain throughout its business activity. In this way, it actively contributes, to the extent that it deserves, to Global Goals 9 (industry & innovation) and 12 (responsible consumption and production).
Metlen, in the context of its contribution to Global Goals 3 (good health and well-being) and 8 (Decent work and economic growth), promotes and ensures safe and healthy working conditions for its direct and indirect employees with a view to prevention. Almost all its production units have occupational Health & Safety management systems certified by independent bodies (ISO 45001: 2018) while, from the very first moments when the threat of the pandemic was identified, Metlen implemented a multifaceted action plan that continues to focus on protecting its employees and their families, as well as ensuring its uninterrupted operation. The Company, along with its economic growth, continues to integrate policies & practices to enhance full and productive employment through the creation of decent jobs for all.
Metlen, as it grows, promotes in its working environment policies and practices that enhance equal opportunities, respect for Human Rights and the enhancement of gender equality. In this way, it strengthens the participation of women at all hierarchical levels, the inclusion of young workers aged 30< in its workforce as well as its effort to integrate people with disabilities into the labor market, contributing directly to Global Goals 5 (gender equality) and 10 (less inequalities).
As part of the Company's commitment to further reduce its environmental footprint, Best International Techniques are applied for the proper management and mitigation of environmental impacts per Business Sector and subsidiary. Investments are made to upgrade the production process utilizing, to the extent possible, new technologies, while almost all production units of the Company have environmental management systems certified with the most modern international standards ISO 14001: 2015 as well as environmental rehabilitation plans of exploitable areas, where required, thus contributing directly to Global Goals 6 (water management), 14 (life at sea) and 15 (life on land).
Metlen contributes indirectly to the other Global Goals through the consistent implementation of its social policy with actions and initiatives that enhance the harmony of coexistence with its local communities and the wider society. Aiming at 550,000 beneficiaries of our social policy for the five-year period 2020-2025 , we continue to invest in the development of local employment and economy by creating jobs (Goal 1) and strengthening local suppliers and infrastructure (Goal 11), reducing food insecurity of vulnerable social groups (Goal 2), implementation of training programmes in the fields of new technologies in schools, as well as programmes for the development of the professional skills of the younger generation (Goal 4).